Watch these videos and learn how the economy works.
Way less than 0.1% of the world's money is paper currency, the rest is nothing more than digital numbers.
Less than 0.01% of that money is backed by gold, while there is no proof that any of that gold exists.
The rest of that money can only exist by you remaining in debt through loans and credit cards.
The official statement about the gold is, "the gold is safely at the bottom of the ocean".
At this current time, the entire currency system is designed to keep you in debt.
More money creates higher inflation, causing money to have less value.
Your credit limit isn't how much money you have, it is only how much money the 0.0001% has to allow you to owe.
The Debt Conspiracy
The Debt Conspiracy Part: 1
The different levels of M type that money has gotten to, has reached M5.
M5 is the amount of money your bank has decided you will never let your account go below.
Banks reserve absolutely no money for M5, That money is just a number.
The Secret World of Gold | Science Technology Documentary HD
The Debt Conspiracy Part: 2
For those of you that have read the Financial Chaos
page and learned from the videos on this page.
You don't know the half of it about what is going to happen soon.
When the wealthy read the full article,
they won't be able to sleep.
By paying off all of your loans and debt, and never getting another loan or credit card debt again.
You will increase the value of your own money by doing your part in helping to decrease inflation.
Inflation is created through debt to make the rich richer, by intentionally keeping the poor in debt.